Friday, April 3, 2009

I have got to stop touching my pits and rubbing them on people

Boy, have I got a rant for you:

My undying burning loathing for the Scrubs character, Elliot Reid.


And yes, I am the only one. I've come to terms with that.

So lemme get on this soap box I like to call a blog for a moment and share my two cents. I can't stand this character. I think she's appalling. Absolutely hideous, despicable, and obnoxious. I almost can't bear to even watch the show anymore. In fact, I've stopped enjoying the show altogether. It's having that much of an affect on me. I have seriously never hated any character so much in my life -- I cannot find one redeeming quality to this woman.


Most people find her cute, adorable, charming, quirky, and at times, incredibly sexy. I'm gonna be honest here I just don't see it. I have never found anything she has said to be remotely funny or enjoyable or interesting. I hate every fiber of this character's being. Her voice. Oh god that voice! How she speaks so fast and breathes in quickly after every word and purses her lips out in that godawful unattractive way. Then when she tries to be serious she lowers her voice, slows down, and always starts off with "look..."

Her clothes, her reactions, her thoughts, her weird misshapen body. And that hair. That fucking ugly hair. Fucking hell, I hate this woman.


People find this woman attractive somehow. Yet on my end, when I think of touching this woman, I imagine her skin to be cold and clammy. I imagine her to smell like cheese and her creepily soft cotton clothes to smell like old sweat and urine. I cannot like a person who brings up these thoughts and feelings. I just can't. And she does that for me.

Maybe I have this perception of her cause she was on that piece of shit show, Roseanne. I don't know.

It also doesn't help that she does "wedgie-free" underwear ads for none other than Hanes. Fucking Hanes. The least appealing and least sexy underwear brand I can think of. So that of course brings to mind this clammy cheese and sweat smelling woman wearing granny panties. Oh lord. This woman.

You know how you can stay "wedgie-free"?? WEAR A FUCKING THONG!!! Then you have a permanent wedgie and don't have to worry. Plus you'll look a whole lot sexier.

Call me crazy, but I'd rather buy underwear from Miranda Kerr than Elliot Reid.


sarah chalke hanes Pictures, Images and Photos

-Fucking Elliot Reid


  1. finally someone who feels the same way! i thought i was taking crazy pills!!! thank you!!!

  2. So, wait, I'm NOT the only one? Someone else despises this godawful character?

  3. "Call me crazy, but I'd rather buy underwear from Miranda Kerr than Elliot Reid."

    You have a problem with Miranda Kerr??? Why would buying underwear from Miranda Kerr make you crazy? :P I'd like to steal all her clothes and money so that she'd have to walk around naked :D

  4.'re definitely not reading that right honey! I fucking LOVE Miranda and I think she's absolutely beautiful.

    I said I would RATHER buy underwear modeled by the fabulous Miranda than underwear modeled by the hideous Elliot.

    Make sense?

  5. It does now :) Anyway, I was pretty sure that's what you meant... but was checking just in case you've gone a bit cuckoo because you miss me so much :D

  6. I do miss you!!!!!!!! And love youu!!!!!!!!!

  7. awww... now I'm going to cry :( I love you too sweetheart!
