You know what site I can't stand, but love to hate?
I hate this site because the majority of the pictures are making fun of people no one cares about anymore, such as Amy Winehouse, Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie and Paris Hilton. Yes, they're gross and druggy and stupid and slutty. We get it. Stop beating the dead horse. Let's move on.
Also, the site likes to take pop culture icons and talk about how they're so much better than the celebrities we have today. I don't think anyone's going to argue the Jonas Brothers are better than The Beatles - and yet you can find countless pictures trying to convince people The Beatles are better. Please. Get off your high horse and stop focusing so much on the negatives of pop culture today. Yes, a lot of things suck about Hollywood nowadays, but there are a lot of incredibly talented artists working today that could be considered the best. Can we focus on those for once?
Lastly, some of the people posting the shit pictures seem to be prudish old people who can't stand to see a woman wearing a short skirt or makeup. Talking about how in "the olden days" women were au naturale. Now, I rarely wear makeup and don't really consider my clothing to be too revealing or overtly sexy but fuck man! Give everyone a break. These are different times. Style is always evolving. Let it.
In short, I hate that site. Yet I visit it constantly. Damn.
-Christina Aguilera
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