Thursday, March 19, 2009

I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough

I'm starting this blog for a number of reasons. Don't really know what they all are, but I assume they're good.

A wise man once said that blogs are only for people who think they have something important to say, but really don't. Well, it was something along those lines. I think this wise man also mentioned that most bloggers have the exact same things to say. I'm here to prove him wrong. Maybe.

So, here I am. I'm Rawley. I'm 20 years old and have accomplished absolutely nothing with my life. I suppose 20 sounds kinda young, but trust me, it's not. In 10 measly years I'll be 30. 30 for godsakes!! 30 means many things: kids, career, marriage, etc. Not that everyone has to adhere to these standards, but to me these are the things I hope to have at 30.

That means I have only 10 years to establish myself as a successful, famous actress, meet the perfect man, marry him during a perfect ceremony, and pop out a couple of perfect babies.

Now, don't let that short and seemingly kinda simple list throw you off. There are many sub-obstacles to go through to even get to the halfway point of every goal.

There's the fact that becoming a famous actress is as close to impossible as you can get. There's the fact that to even have a healthy relationship with a man I have to stop being a psycho bitch. There's the fact that to have kids I have to, well, stop being a psycho bitch.

Anyyywho. I guess the main reason I wanted this blog is to write down my struggles and triumphs on my way to becoming an actress. I'm working on getting into an agency soon, and that will officially start this off. But sometimes (meaning all of the time) I will talk a lot about my personal shit, day to day activities (don't get too excited...they will 9 times out of 10 include Top Model and Aqua Teen Hungerforce marathons and doritos), and whatever else there is. Recipes? Recommendations? Movie Reviews? We shall see.

I hope to gain a lot of followers for one reason and one reason only: I will achieve my goal someday, and I want other people just like me to know you can follow your dream and succeed, with hard work, ambition, and a little bit of luck. Maybe bribery and whoring yourself out will be included. I'm keeping my options open.

I have no life, so this will get updated constantly. I'm telling you. Keep your cursor on the refresh button.

So, read on, enjoy, have fun getting to know me and following your own dreams.

-M.C. Escher

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